What is Hashtag in Facebook and how to use

facebook # tag

Was activated hash longed few days ago on the social networking site Facebook, is Hashtag a new thing for some Facebook users, but it is known and common in users of Twitter, Google +, Instgram and other social networks other Hashtag simple and allows new ways to communicate andcheck out the latest updates

Hash TAG is a word preceded by the symbol #, which is used for the classification of your publications on Facebook, if you want to publish updated the Code of Professional Edition, for example, writes in the update # Professional, use the other one is to follow up on all publications on Facebook about a specified category, if you wish, for example follow-up updatesubuntu system type in the search box # ubuntu

For owners thread is hash TAG is an effective way to promote your page and access to a greater number of Facebook users, and is also a simple way for long relationship and communication between people who have common interests

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