How to delete yourself from the Internet

delete yourself from the Internet

If you want to disappear from the Internet and delete all the information about your identity, this post is for you.

Many of us will register in major international locations (Wikipedia, Facebook, eBay, Skype, Google ...) by entering personal information, which may cause a few problems, especially that some of the following sites allow access to your personal data, such as real name, address, family members, case ...... , Which forces you to look for a way to permanently delete your account, which requires time and effort to search for the correct way to so  in this commentary on this point.

 There is a site that provides you the correct way to delete all your accounts from sensitive sites, when you click on the site you want to be redirected directly to Alhaddv page. In addition to property aroused admiration is that the site will be frank with you to a large degree, to delete your account vary from one location to another and so see the policy  each site (there are some sites major impossible to delete your account permanently) based location in that to give signals colored each color expresses how difficult it is to delete your account.

The site also is available on a beautiful addition to the Google Chrome browser, which rely on the same methodology. Add browser. You will not dwell in the commentary site as easy to use: justdeletme

I hope to have benefited from the entry, you can also comment on the matter by asking different ways or to express an opinion on how the major sites cooperation with government officials to reveal your identity or rather to allow access to your personal data.

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