How to start your trip in the programming sites and reap the profits of which

Of the most important questions asked Ali as a programmer and web designer for a period of 4 years is how to learn programming? What are the ways that you can follow to learn programming? In our topic this we will look at how to learn programming and web design and how to make profits from all that I have learned, Fbermjh sites have become highly sought because the number of sites are increasing in the thousands every day and became a request programmers and software frequently, every week I receive an application programming at least and more every week Some often apologize to requests for plentiful.

- How to start your trip in the programming sites:

star programing
 To begin your journey in the world of programming and web design , you must and before any step to understand the mechanisms of sites and requirements in order to have a website should be your familiar domain names and world Dedicated and types and Dedicated used by the general public as we know that there hosted supports ASP and PHP supports other difference between them is that the former is characterized by a high price and often Matjd the only big companies are operated by type (ie jobs somewhat weak ) , in exchange for hosted supports PHP and what most this shows that PHP programmer will have more job opportunities of the programmer ASP and from here you also will decide what language you want to learn and want to be programmed .

The big mistake that exposed learners of programming they are not experts in the management of sites and do not know the mechanisms and Almikanzmat in which they operate systems and existing properties to any Web site to give you an example : You learned programming and want programming site to be strong in the latter there is a registration system memberships must first learn How to register and the information required to increase the security of the site by some conditions be mandatory information such as e-mail, name , password and increasing the proportion of protection. The site entered and I was able to register as an empty name , for example , will cause a problem Active can be considered for this loophole must understand Almikanzmat the first.

 - What are the languages ​​to be learned :
Before you start to learn programming languages ​​should like first language to be learned and that the Ack never in your ability to understand and Alastaiab with the allocation of time to be committed to learning away from social networks . To talk to you about programming languages ​​famous sites and is not the best language there is a mistake a lot and it is they claim that there is a programming language better than the other does not . This is a big mistake , you can that HTH say language better and HTH you are not for you , not only for all of this to listen to these language code that are best for you is that you personally comfortable with her ​​and find where your pleasure.

 Let's start with learning the same way that I learned years ago and which has succeeded

 1 - HTML language for building the site and restructured and many think as legate programming . It's a special language to build the site and is not a programming language and is very easy you can start to learn the first language you learn with learning HTML5  for the additions and improvements of HTML.

 2-CSS special language design and coordination means while logged on to one of the sites you find it decorated and its effects if passed mouse to write the color changes and the colors are consistent HTH is a function of CSS and his CSS 2.0 and the latest version is CSS 3

3-Javascript wonderful language , especially with Djikwere library JQUERY that will help you develop a wonderful effects like sliding Alquaoaúm , Alsladsho , enter comments without updating the page ...

 4-PHP programming language used by many and many programmers and Aladedmn sites also reverse the ASP language as stated in the subject matter . HTH is considered the most important language in the programming of site characteristics and in dealing with MYSQL databases that must be learned as well. From here, I could be talked about language that you must learn to your start in the world of programming and design but as a very important not learn programming language without putting the application of its means , for example finished learning PHP must be programmed project with PHP and then moved to learn other languages ​​and if you want to establish codes in your mind , you must application and repeat the application while studying a particular lesson in a particular programming language .

 - How to earn profits from programming and web design :

 After learning of programming and after one or two years of experience I 'll give you the key is the secret to how to bring in customers . We note that the index that are interested in programming may Ktrth for this you must be exploited in the programming of free scripts be required from party members and make the effort and all your energy then posed for free for members and be sure to put your rights and your code inside . Be sure that messages arrive , requests , and once you earn the first client will be able to earn other clients with ease. And another step you should have a personal site featuring your business and put it programming requests will not buy any software you an ignorant your business

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