Learn all the ways used by hackers in order to hacking via the browser

hacking via browser

Methods of deception became Almstal spread dramatically among hackers, as well as they know the clock development, where it has become difficult avoided especially that malicious sites that use social engineering techniques to your rhythm multiply like bacteria do not have a cure. Add to that it might be used Vulnerabilities in browsers or browser extensions plugins browser to get rid of the sandbox.

We will try in this post show you some common ways to Achtrack by Almtsah, as well as solutions and tips to avoid it.

Additions browser unsafe

Most people exposed to the risk through browsers jeopardized through additions to their own browsers , Java Oracle worst and most dangerous . Has been Ojhzat Facebook and Apple recently for internal risk due to her visit to sites containing malicious Java applets ,
Even if it was completely updated additions Java , it does not matter , because the latest versions of Java still contain security flaws have not been fixed.

To protect yourself , you need to completely uninstall Java . If you can not because you need to run some Java programs , you should at least disable browser add Java to protect yourself.
Some other additions , particularly in the Adobe Flash Player and additions PDF reader , are correct security holes in them regularly. Adobe has become better than Oracle in addressing these issues and tinkering with these additions , but it is still common to hear about the new Flash vulnerability being exploited .

Weaknesses in the additives that can be used across all the different browsers and across all the different operating systems ( Vulnerability in adding Flash can be used to exploit Chrome , Firefox or Internet Explorer running on Windows , Linux or Mac).
Here are some tips to protect yourself:

   ✔ site use Firefox's plugin check to see additions ( plug - ins ) of others
       Updated .
   ✔ updating old all add-ons immediately. This is done to keep updating them by ensuring updates
       Assistant automatic for all programs you have installed.
   ✔ uninstall add - ons that do not use, if you do not use the Add Java , you should not
       Be installed. This helps to reduce the chance of attack you.
   ✔ Consider using click to run the feature additions in Chrome or Firefox , which prevents from
       Run only at the request of additions run .
   ✔ sure to use anti-virus software on your computer. This is your last line of defense against
       "Zero-day" in the plugin which allows an attacker to install malicious software on

Vulnerabilities in the browser

Vulnerabilities in the same web browsers also allow a malicious Web sites to compromise your computer. Cleaning web browsers to a large extent of the security holes in them and additions are currently the main source of compromise solutions.

However, it must be your browser is up to date and completely. If you are using a version of the old Internet Explorer 6, has not been updated, you can visit the web sites with a bad reputation (without getting an alert by the browser), and can exploit security holes in your browser and install malware without your permission.
(To protect) yourself from security vulnerabilities in the browser:

✔ maintain an updated Web browser. All major browsers now available on the updates
   Automatically. Leave the auto-update feature enabled.
✔ If you Internet Explorer users should be retained and Windows updates automatically activated to do Bthianh (note that I do not recommend using it). In addition to the need for anti-virus because your last line of defense .....

Social engineering tricks

There are also some malicious web pages that try to trick you into downloading and running malicious software. They often do so through "social engineering" , in other words , is an attempt to penetrate your system through to convince you to allow them to enter under false pretenses , and not through the browser or add - ons .

This type is not just about browsing Web pages deceptive , it was trying to your rhythm by sending a malicious e - mail attachment to trick you open unsafe attachments or download files that are not safe .......

Controls ActiveX: any site can prompt you to download ActiveX controls . This could be a project - for example: you may need to install Flash Player controls ActiveX in the first time you run Flash video on the Internet. ActiveX controls are just like any other software on your system and have a right of access to the rest of your system. Might lead you to some malicious websites to download and install controls ActiveX serious ( amalgamation ) You might say that it is necessary to reach some Mahtoyaat site or the like , but they exist in reality to infect your computer . When in doubt , do not agree on the run controls ActiveX.

Automatic download files : some malicious websites may try to automatically download the EXE file , or any other type of dangerous files on your computer, in the hope that you will you are running.

Phantom download links : in some locations with a bad ad networks - or sites that are found on pirated content - you'll see in ads often in the form of buttons loading. These ads are an attempt to deceive people to download something that you're looking for by deny it in the form of real download link .

"You need to program assistant to watch this video:" If you come across a web site says you need to install new components in the browser or program to run video or Flash game, beware. You may need a program assistant a new browser for some things - for example, you need Silverlight plugin to play videos on Netflix but if you are in a less reputable wants you to download and run the EXE file so that you can play their own videos, this is a good opportunity to harm your computer programs harmful easily, becomes a victim of naive.

"Your computer is infected:" You may see ads telling you that your computer is infected, and insists that you need to download the EXE file to clean the computer. If you download this file and occupied, will be infected your computer really!!!

This is not a comprehensive list of all the tricks and roads always Valhakrz and are constantly looking for new ways and malicious to fool people. That is always advised, run antivirus software that can help protect you if you accidentally download a malicious program or have fallen victim to these scams.
Even staff at Facebook and Apple computers pierced through their own browsers. The knowledge is power, and this information should help you to protect yourself online. And you can put a comment describing the one of the ways that have not been addressed, or to participate experiment to provide assistance to all as much as possible. There is no 100% protection. I hope to appeal to the idea ....

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