You might think that industry figures graphical animation as shown in the image depends on the programs Montage upscale, and considerable experience in this area, but in fact just the opposite, Through the program is very small called Pivot Stickfigure Animator you can create a particular story yourself and choose the characters as you want, and thenstart racing in the agitated way that you will appear in the video down, so you get on a moving story of a figment of your imagination and thoughts
After you download the software, install it on your computer and then open it, and I'll show you chart the first program you can move it by pressing the NEXT FRAME You can also add other characters may also be animal or materials you want to employ them in the story ... and so on.
In order to more thing for taking the idea for the program let you with this video that I found in YouTube can handle even more with the program.
The program is free and is too small you can download it via the following link:
Pivot Stickfigure Animator
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